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Former Secretary Of State Faces Tough Questions On Her Decision

Stephanopoulos Grills Clinton on Iraq War Vote in Exclusive Interview

Former Secretary of State Faces Tough Questions on Her Decision

Washington, D.C. – On This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Hillary Clinton found herself on the hot seat as she attempted to defend her vote in the Senate in 2002 to give President George W. Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq.

Stephanopoulos, known for his tough and incisive interviewing style, pressed Clinton on why she had supported the war resolution, despite the lack of clear evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, a key justification for the invasion.

Clinton argued that she and many other Democrats had voted for the resolution in good faith, based on the intelligence available at the time, which suggested that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States.

However, Stephanopoulos countered that the intelligence was flawed, and that Clinton and others had failed to exercise sufficient skepticism in evaluating it. He also pointed to the fact that Clinton had voted against a resolution in 1991 to authorize the first Gulf War, suggesting a lack of consistency in her approach to foreign policy.
